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GALLERY - Real Spirit Visitations please view respectfully - provided by Psychic Medium Karen.

Click on an image below to view it enlarged, these were taken during actual communication session.

Animal Spirit visitation spirit photography
the shawl
Spirit female during communication
pregnant female torso
older male
Alien in the crystal
do you see her
female profile
he is there
Grandfather & Grandchild
Here is my resting place
Monk spirit in cemetery
Visitation _Maria stood quietly in my bedroom doorway trying so hard to appear bless her heart
Spirit manifestests
Late night visitors
Spirit captured on motion camera
Young child spirit
Albert captured on webcam
Partial manifestation notice the beginning of the jaw? I often find it is interesting when spirit tr
Spirit in the cemetary.
Young male Spirit manifests
Spirit hand reaches out to me to ask me to go with them.
Two Spirit faces begin to manifest.
Spirit of my deceased dog watches from the doorway
My dog Sooty manifests during ITC session using water.
Spirit walks by headstones
Alien features captured during a crystal ITC session.
Aboriginal male manifests in my bedroom.
child apparition walking down the hallway
Spirit faces appear during reading
Spirit of female manifests from Orb
Crystal reveals the window to the other side during ITC session.
Male Spirit wearing hoodie manifests from the waist up, the blue parts are the coldest.
Partial Spirit manifestation at a cemetery blue area is coldest.
Spirit caught manifesting behind me during a recorded session
My deceased dog rests his head on the dog bed of my new dog.
Instrumental Trans Communication
Pets visit after they pass away
Crying female Spirit manifests in my bedroom.
Hooded Spirit manifests in cemetery appears to watch me from a distance.
Hooded Spirit manifesting in the most active room of my home.
My mother's portrait and the manifestation of her Spirit beside it, I awaoke to this one morning around 5am.
My deceased dog appears in my hallways outside my bedroom door.
Female Spirit captured entering fenced off gravesite in a cemetery.
Large Spirit Orb moving about my bedroom, self illuminated in total darkness.
From image above, male Aboriginal manifesting his head in my room.
Spirit moving around my door frame
Spirit moves in front of my iPhone
Spirit light being profile of his head, seated on my bed
Small Spirit shadow person manifests beside incense
Visitation at 3am atmy bedside asking for help
Spirit manifests then passes through wall.
When you need to grab batteries from the active room during a reading and you turn around to find more visitors. Meet Jenny & Carl.  Who say they left their bodies at the accident, but feel okay, I ask if there's someone Im going to be speaking to they say 'you are speaking to them' I return to my office, and excuse myself to my client telling her of the visitors I just spoke to and took a photo of, she replied did you say Jenny and Carl? I said that's right. She said OMG 😲 that was the name of my friends from England, adding they were killed two weeks ago in a motor accident, they were who I want to speak to through the Spirit device! How lovely this visit was for her, most of all, that they allowed me to photograph them. Photo taken in the dark, Spirit naturally are self illuminate, I was using the mobile light to look for the batteries for that very device. And find 2 soul behind you.
Same Spirit from previous shot turns to call out to another.
Spirit during partial manifestation.
Spirit Orb self illuminated glows in the dark
Face of Spirit watching me from the hall
Female walking by my office window turns as I take her photo only to giggle befor dissipating.
Male Spirit manifests from waist up as he walks towards me.
Child Spirit visitation
Spirit visitation Judy was identified by her daughter after the Spirits photo was uploaded, they shared the photo of their Mother Judy, the resemblance is uncanny even though she passed much older.
Sammy Sam
Spirit in the livestream
Apparition of a lady
My cat makes an appearance uring an ITC session.
Spirit Orb captured moving through the rooms in my home.
Apparition of femae manifests during a reading.
Apparition of femae manifests during a reading.
Spirit face during ITC
Spirit of child
ghost in the hall
sitting in hallway
Spirit manifestation in hospital
Ghost dog
I am absolutely stoked!_I was sitting he
Spirit Orb
Soldier's Spirit
Spirit Guide Indian Chief
Male with beard profile
child spirit
elderly male spirit
spirit lady with candelabra
bottom jaw of spirit females face
fairy spirit
spirit female seated
spirit standing near cabinet
Male Spirit manifestation
face of spirit
young child
child spirit crying
Spirit face
Spirit face
Lady with hat
Spirit Face of Female
Child Spirit
Head of Spirit during spirit communication session appears
Dog manifests during Spirit Communication session
Letter from client
Old man with long beard appears during spirit communication session
Female manifestation captured on camera
Face comes through during communication session
Female wearing hat with netting


Transfiguration - Physical Mediumship

Spirit in thought or prayer.
Spirit Communication Session - Lady
Spirit Communication Session
Spirit Communication Session - lady
Spirit Communication Session
Spirit Communication Session - male
The Gentleman
Angel manifestation
Spirit Face
Spirit Face - Male
Young Boy
Male Spirit
Lady with hat with long feather and coat
Male Spirit manifestation
Spirit Manifestation - Male
Man with hat and long coat with trim
Woman's face slowly appearing during ITC session
Spirit Guide Sowella manifestation
Spirit Guide Sowella
Lady with fancy attire manifesting
Office Spirit Albert as apparition & during an ITC session
Face of a child ITC session
Border Collie dog manifests during ITC session
My Dogs face manifestation
My Mother's visitations
Looking down upon a child's face from ab
spirit teeth and face manifesting_edited
Office Spirit Albert
Office Spirit Albert close up
Several manifestations
Mozart my dogs ITC manifestation_edited.
Office Spirit Albert manifestation

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