Short session up to approx 20 minutes of tarot reading with audio download link provided same day. (no mediumship). Not spoken in Russian the tool used (cards) are traditional Russian Gypsy.
These beautiful cards are quite unique and even more interesting is that every single card is used for the reading. Unlike the other readings where questions are left until the end the cards can be shuffled with intent of focus on the subject matter at hand or as a general ‘What do I need to know?’ Every edge has half an image and when the layout is complete the completed images that form are only read. Depending upon the way the image lays and the number of images that appear, can be determined as a message of high importance/warning or blessing.
Russian proverbs also convey the messages. However, there’s no questions at the end of the reading as these cards unlike other tarot, tell you what to expect, these have been spookily accurate in Karen's own circumstances as she has had these since her early 20s, now she is sharing these mysterious cards with her clients, by reflecting back on the audio you should find they will not disappoint as timing is provided.
Before booking as with any reading, please arrange the booking time with staff first.
Psychic Medium Karen is sent your number or Skype link 5 mins prior to the reading.All Karen is provided is the Date & Time of the booking and type of purchase.
Clients within Australia are via phone
Clients outside Australia are via
Skype voice or Messenger voice only.
We do not offer refunds
but happy to reschedule.
First availability time always offered. As we hold all times offered for 30 minutes without payment, if you decide you don't want that please give us the courtesy of letting us know so we can offer that timeslot to the next person.
Once you order please use the Contact Us Form to advise that you have made a pur
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