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Before ordering please query with staff about a booking time.
Please note staff can only offer one booking time as times offered is held for 30 mins pending confirmation & payment. To offer several so to assist them please advise what time and day suits you so they can see what there is available closest to or on that day and time. 

If booking for someone else please have them create their own web account by filling in the Contact Us form so we are dealing only with them, and setting up the booking under their web account and not someone else's, if this is not adhered to this could result in sensitive information that may come through their reading they might not want anyone else knowing about, being sent to the wrong person. The reason we put this in place was due to this very incident in the past cost a friendship, and staff as a result of that action of the buyer were threatened. It also ensure's that on the day we are sending the correct phone number to Karen. This avoids the risk of having Karen being embarrassed that we have sent the number of the person who ordered and not the one having the reading.
Thank you for your understanding.


30 mins Spirit Box Session only (no reading).



Please refer to 'What is a Spirit Box?'

on the ‘Before You Order’ page.

Please note that spirit boxes are a tool used to allow spirits to communicate, whilst they are welcome to come through. They are never forced and must be respected if they choose not to. Sometimes some take a little longer than others and just like mediumship you cannot make a guarantee that a person will definitely 100% here from who they want to as it is not up to the medium or the person having the reading but the spirit themselves.



​Spirit Box (aka Telephone to the Dead) is just that, a tool or device that Spirit can use like a telephone to speak with you through from anywhere in the universe and Heaven's. They don't need to be in the same room as the Medium, though some do find the connection so intriguing that they can sometimes find the way through to be there with the Medium.

These are guided sessions, Karen is a professional Psychic Medium and as she is welcoming through those from the other side you know you are in good hands as she won't allow any lower entities to take over any session. However she naturally cannot stop many trying to communicate so don’t be surprised if at times they announce there are several present. These Spirit Box sessions are guided, and safe when a medium sits in on them. Know these are no different to using an Ouija board, the only difference is instead of a planchette and letters and numbers on a board, you can hear voices of the deceased.

Things to bear in mind

Just as there are times we don't want to speak to a complete stranger about personal matters that have nothing to concern them, doesn't make Spirit any different or more willing to do so. So this must be respected of them.

Can a person get possessed?

No, you can't get possessed by having a Spirit Box Communication Session with Karen, as outlined Karen as a professional Medium is also a tool used to communicate with the Spirit Realms, she also uses her Guide Sowella to help those in Spirit to communicate. As Karen will be holding control over the session this ensures her clients are completely safe from being placed in any situation that they cannot control. Karen will ask the clients to say aloud their questions or the names of the Spirit/s they seek out and she will repeat these (take over for the client as their speaker). If Karen didn't believe in what she was doing was safe she wouldn't be doing it in her own home which is where these services are done from.

As these sessions are strictly Spirit Box only and go for 30 minutes, to avoid wasting time, Karen will ask you to say aloud the name of the person you want contact with. This is not a guessing-game, if Karen just welcomes anyone, ie named Bill or Nan there can be any number of spirits responding, remember the minute that door is opened anyone can come through know that any spirits will cease the opportunity and they may not even be who you want to hear from, let-alone know. Therefore, in these sessions it is important to be specific and to call only those who you want to hear from - otherwise the chances of time wasters increase.

Once a connection is made with the spirit the client seeks Karen will ask them to validate they are that person by way of asking them how they know you. This weeds out one’s that pretend to be who you want.

Playing back the audio don't be surprised if you hear a lot more.

What to listen out for are intelligent replies. Some may not be heard clearly during the actual session; this is normal until playback.

Please arrange booking time with staff before ordering.

Psychic Medium Karen is sent your phone number or Skype link 5 mins prior to the reading.

All Karen is provided is the Date & Time of the booking and type of purchase.

Clients within Australia are via phone

Clients outside Australia are via Skype voice or Messenger voice only.


We do not offer refunds but happy to reschedule.


First availability time always offered. As we hold all times offered for 30 minutes without payment, if you decide you don't want that please give us the courtesy of letting us know so we can offer that timeslot to the next person.


Once you order please use the Contact Us Form to advise that you have made a purchase and send a screenshot of the PayPal email confirmation.


Spirit Box Session (30 Mins)

  • We do not offer refunds but happy to reschedule your booking.
    Please do not make a purchase if your last reading was with anyone within the last 3 months as every reading continues where the last left off.


    Anyone caught trying to defraud us by making a false claim that you did not make a purchase after having a reading and receiving your download is forwarned that all correspondence, including emails and the recording of the reading itself, will be fowarded to your credit card merchant to show the communication made between you as the client and us as the service provider as proof of your acceptance to place and go through with a purchase through our website.

    This is why we request that following your purchase you send a screenshot of your PayPal email confirmation as not only proof of payment but that you have agreed to this session taking place and have authorised the payment as no refunds are given.

  • Following the reading you will be emailed a download link of the recording, it is your responsibility to download to your computer asap as the server used to hold the download will automatically remove the file within 24 hours.

    We will hold the audio file for up to 24hrs on our server before deleting it.

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