Remember the reading is yours not mine, I will reveal what I am shown by spirit or what comes through the cards. The message may not always be what you want to hear, but its what you need to hear. If it isn't good ask what changes you can be making right now to change that outcome? Because what is a fact is, your future is in your control what you do now influences the direction it takes. It might just need a new outlook or attitude. Let me see what Spirit has to reveal to you, book now.

Are you seeking answers? Do you yearn to unveil the mysteries of the universe and your place within it? Look no further. Psychic Medium Karen is here to guide you on your spiritual journey. Karen’s private readings are more than just a conversation; they’re a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. With her extraordinary psychic abilities, she can tap into the energies that surround you, revealing insights about your past, present, and future. Book Now.

Book for yourself or a loved one, no matter where you are in Australia Karen will call your mobile or landline. All bookings are made based on Sydney Australia times.

Remember the reading is yours not mine, I will reveal what I am shown by spirit or what comes through the cards. The message may not always be what you want to hear, but its what you need to hear. If it isn't good ask what changes you can be making right now to change that outcome? Because what is a fact is, your future is in your control what you do now influences the direction it takes. It might just need a new outlook or attitude. Let me see what Spirit has to reveal to you, book now.
Spiritual Guidance comes in many forms and touches our lives in many ways, what one person perceives may hold a very different vision to that of Spirit. We are all Spirit living inside mobile temples.
We are given free will because our journey here is one of learning and experiencing how to make good of every situation. In order to have the best reading, it is important you don't first divulge all you want to know unless you seek only to have that single thing answered.
Otherwise you have already affected your reading to the point that it then becomes one of 'You only knew that because I told you', I don't work like that, I am here to share what I sense is, has and is about to happen in your path. I also ask you refrain from having no more than one reading in a 3-6 month period, and you must be over 18 years. Why? Because until 18 you are still fulfilling your pre-destined path and creating goals.
Spells that bring a lover back.
Many ask about spells etc., whilst spells can be done know that in cases of spells that relate to a desire to have someone love you, know that unless a person does love you that nothing and no one can interfere with free will, and since God himself can't interfere with your free will, no man or woman who claims to make someone love you, can. And even if they could, you'd always be wondering if they really do love you and want to be with you or are they just spellbound.
Jumping from one reader to another
Also, if you seek a reading with a psychic and then because you didn't hear what you wanted to hear, you go to another psychic, eventually you will hear what you want, however bear in mind that since every reading continues where the previous one left off if, say, you are asking about love and you keep getting a 'No' then eventually a 'Yes' it means that the psychic has connected with a future love and if you've had numerous readings with others without leaving a minimum gap of at least 3 months, there will be no way that psychic can give an accurate timing as you've messed up the timing and this may in fact be years ahead the reading is for and not weeks or months.
Having a reading to ask about someone else?
It is not recommended to have a reading purely to ask about someone else, like how their love life is going to turn out. This is not only an invasion of that person's privacy and bad manners, but also since the reading is opening up that person's path in order to connect with their them and their current and future circumstances, it can cause Karmic problems. Not only that, but it isn't likely to make any sense to you because it's not your reading. And, even if you feel you know everything there is to know about that person, just know everyone has secrets or private thoughts or fantasies they'd prefer no one else know (especially if this is a parent asking about their son or daughter's love life etc. There may be some things that come up that they may or may not be proud of).
Just because I'm a Psychic Medium doesn't mean I have to know what the reading means to you.
Keep in mind also, that the practitioner is not meant to understand what comes through your reading because it's your reading and not theirs, their job is only to share what they are shown, told or feel and if it makes sense let them know by just acknowledgement, if it doesn't make sense then it may yet to manifest then once it does then you will understand it better. That's why it's important to record the reading, and at The High Priestess Studio all readings are recorded start to finish and emailed to you for you to keep in order to play back in the coming months or years and what's more, you are not charged any additional fees for that part of the service. There are no typed (scripted) written emails except for the occasional emailed Newsletter sharing competitions, sales or blog posts etc, but I absolutely draw the line on typed up readings as often these are just automated scripts where all that is added to them is the clients name and several people could receive the same reading.
We don't do that here, never, ever!
In all One-On-One Phone/Skype or Messenger readings I include Mediumship.
But I will never only do a mediumship only session, so you won't find that service offered as a standalone service.
Why? Because no medium, no matter how good they are can make a guarantee that if you book a mediumship session with them that they will communicate with who you want to come through, the reason being is that it is not up to us it is up to the spirits. And mediumship can only be done if that spirit is present with the medium. Should a spirit make it's presence known during any reading I do not ignore them, and will gladly pass on any information they have to share, but I won't make a guarantee that they will or won't be present. Some do want to speak and some don't we must respect that of them. If communication is important to the client and the spirit isn't present with myself in order to pass on anything, the other option I offer is the Spirit Box session, these are included in my Bundle Sessions or as a stand alone service, the beauty with this tool is they needn't be present with me, they can be anywhere, that's why it's often referred to as 'The telephone to the dead'. Once again it should be stressed that contact is not up to us, but up to them. The best part about the Spirit Box option is they are audibly heard by clients, sometimes it can take a while for them to come through. If you do use this please don't just call out 'Mum' etc. remember there's billions of Mums on the other side.
I have often been asked 'Why I can't you just automatically speak to every deceased person? You're a Medium, aren't you?',
Let me put it like this, you have a mobile phone, can you always get someone you don't know to answer you every time you call a number? No, of course you can't! Sometimes they don't answer, especially if its a number they don't know, sometimes the line is disconnected, well, it's the same for a Medium trying to connect with a spirit they don't know. In addition, just because a person is now in spirit doesn't automatically mean they will want to speak to a complete stranger and tell them all their business. If they do come through great, but respectfully I won't ever make a guarantee because its up to them, not you or me.
To read for an under 18 can affect their psyche' and throw them off balance spiritually.
Sydney Psychic Medium
Readings are never general and there is no way to tell what is going to happen during them, until the reading has commenced.
Spirits are all around us, often they are just curious, some may be related, other's like to interact and some don't.
It's not uncommon through readings that are recorded, for people to hear familiar voices of their loved ones talking, or other souls asking for help, note: family do not often ask for help.
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