Maybe you think that divination cards are something used purely for entertainment and there are some readers who create a theatrical experience for their clients because whilst it’s entertaining they too don’t need to take it too seriously.

In reality the Tarot, or divination cards are quite sacred and tarot in particular became more popular in the 19th century. It was frowned upon by many people and still is, which might explain why so many readers make it entertaining. Private readings were also done in the home or in a private room, or carnival, and where the psychic would travel to the client’s home after dark to avoid being seen.
Even today, psychic readers are still mocked by people who say the idea that predicting the future is something evil or demonic.
As it happens predicting the future has been a big part of the Bible and the most popular prediction is the birth of Christ, where the Bethlehem Star ⭐️ guided the three Kings to the barn where the baby Jesus was born ‘The King of Kings’.
The 3 Wise Men aka Kings, were not mocked or ridiculed, in fact it is traditionally portrayed in many a Christmas story and even the song ‘We Three Kings Of Orient’ describes how the star guides them, they also carry gifts of Frankincense and Myrrh which are highly spiritual oils that are cleansing , healing, and protective.
It was also stated in the Bible that they knew they had to leave Bethlehem in order to protect Jesus from being killed. This again was a prophecy hence a prediction made by those who could see into the future. , And as it would turn out it would come to pass when Jesus turned 30 years of age.
Is this not a spiritual experience?
We Three Kings Of Orient
We three kings of Orient are; bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star.
O star of wonder, star of light, star with royal beauty bright, westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light.
Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, gold I bring to crown him again, King forever, ceasing never, over us all to reign. [Refrain]
Frankincense to offer have I; incense owns a Deity nigh; prayer and praising, voices raising, worshiping God on high. [Refrain]
Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume breathes a life of gathering gloom; sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, sealed in the stone-cold tomb. [Refrain]
Glorious now behold him arise; King and God and sacrifice: Alleluia, Alleluia, sounds through the earth and skies. [Refrain]
And think about Noah’s Ark, he was given a prediction directly from God that there would be a great flood that would cover the earth’s surface for 40 days and 40 nights and as Noah and his sons and family built this ark, there were thousands who mocked and jeered, yet these were the same ones who were begging in the end to let them aboard.
Prophets in the Bible
There are about 88 prophets featured or mentioned in the Bible.
Of those, 63 are in the Old Testament and 25 are in the New Testament.
The list below shows the name of the prophet, in alphabetical order, and the first Bible verse in which they are referred to as being a prophet.
For Isaac, Job and Peter in the "First appearance" column, you'll see an asterisk after their Bible verses. These three prophets were not explicity identified as prophets but these Bible verses show examples of prophecies that these Biblical figures received.
The chart also shows the testament era in which the prophet lived.
[Exerpt from]

And then we have the prophet Mohammed.
One of his prophecies was that from a desolate corner of the Earth a struggle will occur between the worlds superpowers. The Quran foretold the most unexpected events that would transpire between Persia and Byzantium. In a few short years.
“The Byzantines have been defeated in the nearest land but they after their defeat will overcome within 3 to 9 years from 613 to 619. The visions were decimated by the Persian Empire losing the territories of Antioch, then Damascus, then Armenia, then their most cherished Jerusalem, then Chalcedon, and finally Egypt.’ In his book, ‘The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire’, Edward Gimon says at the time when the prediction is said to have been delivered, no prophecy could be more distant from its accomplishment, since the first 12 years of Heraclius announce the approaching dissolution of the Empire.
Everyone saw Byzantium as being on its deathbed.
Hence, opponents of the prophet like Ubayy ibn Khalaf mocked this “preposterous” foretelling in the Qur’an. However, not long after, Heraclius led by the Byzantine Crusade like a dagger into the heart of the Persian Empire, fulfilling the amazing prophecy 6 to 8 years after it was made.
The verses that immediately follow this prediction say “the decision of the matter, before and after these events, is only with Ella. And on that day, the believers [i.e. Muslims] will rejoice in the victory of Allah Abű Hayyān al-Andalūsī (D.1344) List in al-Bahr four reasons for this rejoicing, one of them being that the miraculous prophecy unfolding would further validate the Muslims belief in his prophethood and another reason which involves another prophecy, is that the Muslims would, at that time find themselves celebrating their own victory; along awaited triumph against the Mackin oppresses in the battle of Bardo that happened in 624 as well. It suddenly becomes quite clear why God seals this chapter of the Qur’an (Sűrat Al-Rűm) by saying “So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is true. And let them not disquiet you who are not certain [in faith]”
It is written that Prophet Mohammed’s own uncle Abū Lahab scoffed and chastised him.
Excerpt from The Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: Proofs of Prophethood Series
So it just goes to show that even some of the greatest prophets were mocked and ridiculed by people and those they love. Even Jesus himself, who was a great prophet was crucified for his heavenly messages.
The reality is, centuries later nothing has changed, people often do this when something goes against their own beliefs however..
You Seek Divination Every Day Without Even Realising It
Even the Egyptian’s used the stars as a reference to where to build their pyramids. Astronomers are also known as diviners. And think about how many times we check weather reports? These are scientific predictions based on observations of the highs and lows of temperatures that are tools used to predict if a storm will happen or even a hurricane or tsunami.
In reality we live in a world where predictions are a part of the normal way of life. We can predict when a baby is due, we can see on every perishable product an expiry date. We predict what happens when we take medication and predict how effective it will be on certain ailments. We can predict how long a patient will live if they are diagnosed with a life threatening disease. We can predict the precise time an aeroplane will land in another country.
The list goes on, still there are nonbelievers and those who say predictions are a sign of the devil.
We access information through technology every day to look up google maps while driving or to see ahead what the traffic is like or if there is an accident that is going to slow traffic down..
So anyone mocking predictions may want to start thinking about the predictions they are already accessing, as it’s everywhere, it’s actually just a way of life! Even when we make future plans to go somewhere, we are putting our future in order even before it happens.
So just because the scientist uses a tool of measuring the temperature to determine if there is going to be a storm ahead, what is wrong with using cards as a way of showing what lay ahead on our path? After all, the prophets used to cast rods and read the stars as well as watching nature.
Regardless of what way you look at it, it is still prophesying an outcome.
Getting back to Tarot, there are few cases where one must be careful when using a tarot deck, as they can sometimes hold energies of others in them. When I used to have clients handle my decks I would always have Frankincense oil or Pure Rose oil to sprinkle upon their hands first to avoid any transfer of energy from them to me and vice versa. Now before I begin a call with my next client I Sage them asking that protection and blessings be applied to the deck protecting it from negative energy that may be hanging around.
Then prior to each read I clear them.
The Tarot is purely a tool, I use them to remain focused as often visions that come through like flash cards or a reel being played either forward or backwards. When I see the images sliding backward they often change from colour to black and white as a sign that the client is stuck in the past or holding onto something to they need to let go of, especially when the vision of the shackles appears.
When paying attention to surrounding cards, the message of the card will either change or become more powerful. Naturally there are things we don’t want to hear or see, but when you withhold information from the client you stifle them.
One of the greatest risks a reader takes in providing negative information about what they see, is that the reader knows that they can either keep or lose a potential future client. But the important thing is not to hold back, as the client is entitled to know what comes through good or bad and trying to say the opposite just to keep the client, finds it’s way upon the reader as a result of only saying what they think the client wants to hear.
This is why readings should not be treated like a game and it is recommended that people under the age of 18 must not be read for. Why? Because their path from birth is already mapped out and it’s only after the age of 18 years that they can influence their path favourably or negatively and overall, readings are purely to reveal the forecast of what path they are on and the obstacles ahead, let’s just refer to a reading as a spiritual torch that shows you what is ahead of you in the darkness of your life’s journey. After all, if you knew where you would fall wouldn’t you want to put a pillow there?
There are cases that I have mentioned in my previous blog about readings being scary or disappointing, that sometimes it can be picking up on not necessarily the client, but someone around them, or if there are repetitive cards that come through for example: they have one reading then months later they have another and it’s almost verbatim to the previous one, in these instances it means they have not done anything to change things or are still on the same path leading to trouble or they will soon hear about this from another person who may be influential in the future. It often comes to pass that once they change something in their lives, or once the predictions happen, they no longer appear.
I once had a client that I read for and at the end of the reading when I asked do you have any questions? She stated that the last 3 readings I did for her prior to that revealed a car accident happening, she then said I was wondering if it would turn up in this reading and I now know why it hasn’t. She then went on to say that the last weekend when her and her partner were going out their car was T-boned by a drunk driver. This instantly demonstrated how when things turn up repeatedly in a reading take head to what is being revealed even if at the time it doesn’t make sense, especially if they keep repeating themselves. As often as this occurs, it may be a case that this event still is in the path. There are some things we can change, and some things we can’t, and in those instances we can only brace ourselves and weather the storm. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt. But I’m glad that the warning stopped once this occurred.
Some warnings that can come through in cards may not be necessarily regarding car accidents as such but infidelity, sickness, or even theft or corruption in a business dealing. I remember once when a woman came to see me, she asked me a question which took me aback. she asked me when her husband was going to die? Naturally, I responded that is not up to me to tell you that but his life is in the hands of God and only he can determine when he has to die. She was adamant saying that he was suffering. So, I hesitantly pulled a card and then pulled another and the timing was revealed as seven days. On the eighth day she called me to say that the timing was indeed accurate, and her husband had passed away peacefully at the hospital the day before.
To say I felt sick, as an understatement, I was gutted!
So when instances such as predictions of infidelity etc it is important not to rush out and point fingers, because these warnings may not be happening at the time of the reading but on the path ahead. When these instances occur in particular, it is important to look at ways of improving for example the relationship you have, even if you feel it is already fantastic! It doesn’t hurt to make it even more fantastic. Does it?
The reality is ,that temptation is often put on our path to test how strong we are or how strong our relationship is, not only with our self but with our partner. For some, it may be a compliment, a flattering word or a certain look from a stranger that may be missing from a loved one. Triggers the excitement missing, like a kind compliment can sometimes be the trigger that starts affairs. So if you aren’t complimenting your partner enough or flattering them with a gaze you may want to consider thinking about doing so. Swoon them, or date them all over again!
This way even if a complete stranger complimented them with flattering words they know that they already have that flattery from the person they love and it won’t be such a big deal or end up being a thorn in your side in the end.
So even though a reading can predict some awful truths or reveal things we don’t want to know about just know that when you sit for a reading, you sit to hear everything good and bad and sometimes it’s just one or the other. A reading is not meant to tippy toe around things, sometimes what comes through can be very blunt with no tact whatsoever. and as hard as it may be for a reader, they must provide that client with what is shown to them.
It is never my intention to upset, or hurt a persons ego in a reading but I would not be doing my job if I said something was wonderful if it wasn’t. And the risk I take, like every other reader, is the potential loss of a client if they are not happy with what they hear.
Bottom line
Tarot cards are not for entertainment. And those that scoff and mock before they do so in future should stop and ask what things they access that brings predictions to these people. I called them the hypocrites. They make a mockery of people who read tarot cards and provide predictions, yet they are usually the first to check the predicted expiry date on the back of a can. And that is a prediction that they have accepted, so you can’t accept one prediction style and not another. Especially when it goes back into the days of the Bible .
Readings are also tools to the veil beyond our world, they are not what I recommend letting children play with either. And when doing a reading it is essential to have an open mind, respect the divinity as any resistance you have in receiving information will be garbled or even blocked.
Stay blessed 🙏🏼